Hexagon and Arrow for Gmplot

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This repository presents how to come-up with hexagon and arrow using the library gmplot.

During Spring 2018, I was involved in a research project in Transportation Analytics. I had to do some GPS data visualizations and especially had to plot figures (hexagons and arrows) using the amazing Python library gmplot. This is a super easy package which enables you to draw GPS point representations, but unfortunately there is still no built-in functions for hexagons and arrows.
I hope this can help you if you face the same problem !


In this example, I point the Alma Mater using gmplot built-in marker. Alma Mater is a French (clap clap !) designed sculpture which stands at the heart of the Columbia campus: the Low Library steps. A super relaxing place!

Then, I draw, as an example, a hexagon whose center is the Alma Mater.

Hexagon Example


Here, I show how to draw an arrow with gmplot. It was useful to illustrate the moves of cars in the project. But here I decided to show you something even more interesting: my favorite cookie spot in the area a.k.a. Levain Bakery.

Arrow Example

Thanks to

Special thanks to Michael Woods vgm64 TThe gmplot is an amazing library to work with geographic data: https://github.com/vgm64/gmplot
